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Closing Brunch and Tap Jam

Only In New Orleans.....!

To top off a great weekend, we’ve planned a special event to  give you a better insight into the origins of New Orleans’ rich musical culture and traditional foods.

A detailed discussion on the history of brass band, jazz, and New Orleans rhythm & blues music. Discussion also includes the tradition of jazz funerals and parades, the history of Social Aid & Pleasure Club benevolent societies and the second line parades, as well as the cultural heritage unique to New Orleans.

The brunch will feature

Demonstration of various styles of brass band and New Orleans jazz music from the late 1800’s to present day. Band plays excerpts that demonstrate the correlation between brass band music and the evolving New Orleans jazz genre.

Conclusion of seminar includes a full performance by the band. Attendees are encouraged to participate in the program on perennial favorites, such as “Saints Go Marching In” and “Bourbon Street Parade” with or without tap shoes!

You don’t want to miss this Signature Event ! Tickets are limited and will go fast!